
Expert Trainings Aim to Improve Border Management in South Sudan

Expert Trainings Aim to Improve Border Management in South Sudan

Immigration officers in group discussion at border management training in Kapoeta. IOM/Shiino 2017In cooperation with the Directorate of Nationality, Passports and Immigration (DNPI) of the South Sudan Ministry of Interior, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) organized a four-day training on border management from 23–26 June in Kapoeta. Nearly 20 DNPI officers, who work at borders in Nadapal and Tsertenya and the immigration office in Kapoeta, participated in the training.

With support from the Government of Japan, the training was facilitated by a joint IOM and DNPI training team. The DNPI training unit previously completed an IOM-facilitated training-of-trainers course on border management in 2016. 

In addition to general border management expertise, the training addressed transnational organized crime, human rights, communication skills, customer care, ethics and interagency cooperation.

The participants also had an opportunity to share their experiences and the challenges that they encounter through their daily work at borders/immigration offices and discussed ways to overcome the challenges to improve migration and border management. 

The Governor of the Kapoeta attended the opening ceremony to emphasize the importance of organizing trainings for border management officers, especially for learning communication skills and work ethics. “You are the first person to meet in South Sudan for people who enter the country. You should be polite, humble and efficient.” said the governor.

IOM South Sudan has been supporting the Government of South Sudan in enhancing border and migration management of the country since 2010. The current project funded by the Government of Japan started in March 2017 and will continue until March 2018. The project targets further capacity building of law enforcement officers and improvement of infrastructure for better border and migration management.  

For further information, please contact: Ashley McLaughlin at IOM South Sudan, Tel: +211 912 379 793, Email: