
IOM South Sudan Expands Bentiu Protection of Civilians Site

IOM Rapid Response Team meets Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan Toby Lanzer and UNESCO Special Envoy Forest Whitaker in Wei, South Sudan. IOM/2015Since the crisis erupted in South Sudan in December of 2013, over 1.8 million people have become displaced. Over 112,000 people are seeking shelter and security inside UN bases throughout the country. The largest of these sites is the UN Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Bentiu, Unity State.

In Bentiu over 53,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are living in congested conditions. IOM and partners are working together to expand the site in order to provide families with more humane living conditions. The heavy rainy season in South Sudan brings with it flooding and an increase in malaria and other diseases. Congested living conditions in the PoC can lead to disease outbreaks, such as last year’s cholera.

In Bentiu IOM provides water and sanitation (WASH) services, primary and maternal health care and site expansion and development services. IOM is currently working on a 1,000,000 square meter expansion of the site that will allow families to spread out and to increase access to humanitarian services. The expansion area will also have appropriate drainage to mitigate against the flooding that occurred in 2015.

As the lead agency in the Camp Coordination and Camp Management cluster in South Sudan, IOM is working closely with humanitarian partners and UNMISS to improve living conditions in IDP sites.

Over the weekend, IOM South Sudan’s Chief of Mission David Derthick travelled to IDP sites with UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos to highlight the urgent needs of the displaced throughout the country.

While on the ground in Wei, Under Secretary General Amos and Mr. Derthick were able to visit an IOM Rapid Response Team distribution of emergency items in Wei.

“The Rapid Response mechanism has allowed IOM and our partners to reach people in need in remote locations throughout the country,” said Derthick. “I am grateful that the Undersecretary has had the opportunity to witness  this particular mobile response.”