
IOM’s Mobility Tracking report details the impact of the ongoing humanitarian crisis on the over 3 million IDPs and returnees across South Sudan, many of whom remain in dire need of humanitarian assistance

IOM’s Mobility Tracking report details the impact of the ongoing humanitarian crisis on the over 3 million IDPs and returnees across South Sudan, many of whom remain in dire need of humanitarian assistance

DTM team and enumerators conducting an assessment in Nhialdiu, Unity State © IOM 2020 / Juma Lam

Juba – Communities in Jonglei, Lakes and Central Equatoria states see the highest levels of need among the over 1.6 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and 1.5 million returnees across South Sudan (IOM DTM 2020).


The latest Mobility Tracking Round 8 reports share findings on mobility dynamics, humanitarian needs and accessibility to basic services based on a countrywide multi-sector location assessment carried out between February and March 2020, against the backdrop of the formation of the Transitional Government of National Unity, which saw improved security, though sub-national and localized conflict continues in some parts of the country.


The data released by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) shows that over 450,000 IDPs and returnees live in settlements where most residential shelters have collapsed or are in danger of collapse, a situation made even worse by the latest floods which are currently affecting some 800,000 people nationwide.


While comparatively few in numbers, IDPs in Western Equatoria and returnees in Warrap also face some of the highest levels of need in relative terms. Compared to the last multisectoral data and analysis which took place in June 2019, needs have increased the most in IDP communities in the states of Lakes, Jonglei and Unity, and in returnee communities in Western Bahr El Ghazal, Jonglei, Lakes and Eastern Equatoria.


Information based on key informant interviews revealed that 1.1 million people live in areas where water sources are unfit for drinking, while more than 1.4 million individuals live in settlements where it takes most people more than 20 minutes to walk to the nearest water source.  One fifth of IDPs and almost thirty per cent of returnees live in communities where people do not feel safe when they go to collect water, a problem affecting women and girls in particular.


The findings will inform strategic priorities of the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan across all sectors, as well as mechanisms towards building resilience, investing in peacebuilding and development efforts, with the needs of displaced South Sudanese, returnees and host communities at the center of the response.


“Our data and analysis are available to all humanitarian partners operating in South Sudan, to our government counterparts  and to our donors so that together we can best step up to meet these urgent needs,” says IOM South Sudan’s Chief of Mission, Jean-Philippe Chauzy.


“The information serves to ensure that humanitarian aid is spread out and has a far reach, extending to all corners of the country, leaving no one and no community behind,” adds Chauzy.


The multi-sectoral needs assessment datasets provide the geographic locations of IDPs and returnees, a breakdown of period of arrival and reasons for displacement and the needs in IDP sites, camp-like settings and host-community settings.


Key findings on thematic areas based on assessment at the state and country level are available: protection, shelter and non-food items, water access, hygiene, WASH GBV risk, food security and livelihoods, health and education.


For the full dataset, summary tables, interactive dashboard, maps, and Round 8 analytical report, please visit:

For more information, please contact: Liatile Putsoa at IOM South Sudan, Tel: +21 19 123 80104. Email: