
Japan, IOM Open Community Primary Health Care Centre in Jebel Kheir, Wau

Japan, IOM Open Community Primary Health Care Centre in Jebel Kheir, Wau

Wau – On 13 February, Seiji Okada, Ambassador of Japan to South Sudan, and Jean-Philippe Chauzy, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) South Sudan Chief of Mission, officially opened the new Jebel Kheir Primary Health Care Centre in Wau, Western Bahr el Ghazal.

The original health centre on the grounds, established and operated by the Catholic Church, was abandoned due to the crisis. Humanitarian partners had identified Jebel Kheir, as well as Lokoloko and Nazareth, as the areas near Wau where the numbers of people returning could be high. IOM and partners agreed to help developing a conducive environment for returning communities. In 2017, IOM began providing health care on the old centre’s grounds, with agreement from the Church. These health services became even more vital as displaced people started to return to the area. In 2018, IOM’s health team conducted nearly 19,000 health consultations in Jebel Kheir.

At the request of the community and with funding from the People of Japan, IOM began the construction of new centre's infrastructure. This included the construction of a maternity ward and a centre for mental health and psychosocial support and the installation of solar panels and a generator. IOM will supply health staff to operate the newly opened Primary Health Care Centre, serving some 45,000 people.

“I am happy to see the construction of the clinic was completed. This is just one example of the assistance provided by the Government of Japan for the South Sudanese people. Government of Japan will continue providing assistance in various areas, such as Humanitarian Assistance, health, water, infrastructure, Education and Agriculture. ” said Ambassador H.E. Seiji Okada, during the official opening ceremony.

“I am proud to stand with you today knowing the work IOM, in partnership with the Japanese Government and the community, has put into completing this essential primary health care centre for the people of Jebel Kheir,” said Jean-Philippe Chauzy, IOM South Sudan Chief of Mission, also speaking at the opening. “As the peace process continues to advance, it is likely we will see more and more people return home. This means that humanitarian organizations, like IOM, and donors, like Japan, need to move their support and service provision with the people. Returning home will not end a community’s needs and, in fact, it could lead to new challenges. We need to ensure that our interventions help communities become more resilient and resistant to any future shocks,” added Chauzy.

For more information, please contact:

Olivia Headon in IOM South Sudan, Tel: +211912379843, Email:

Takanobu Nakahara in the Embassy of Japan in South Sudan, Tel: 0922 671503, Email: