
Twic and Ngok Dinka Communities Sign Secession of Hostilities in Wau

Wau -In a four-day peace conference supported by the peace partners including the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the two communities, traditional leaders, church base groups, civil society organizations, youth, and women representative from Abyei and Twic county of Warrap state on Monday signed a secession of hostilities roadmap in Wau town to end a recycle violence between the two communities.

In a communiqué signed and read out at the venue, the two communities reaffirmed their full commitment to seize wave of violence and stay in a peaceful coexistence.

“Having constructively and openly deliberation on the issues that divided the sisterly communities (Ngok Dinka of Abyei and Twic Dinka of Warrap state), we have acknowledged the suffering and pains that we caused to our communities due to continues violence in the eight months which has claimed the lives of our beloved ones, loss of properties   and massive displacement,” read part of the statement.

The communiqué read out by a civil society activist Rau Manyiel Rau, contained nine resolutions warns both communities from using provocation language which promote aggressions.

“We urge the community fighters of both sisterly communities to stop the deadly fighting and we encourage all sons and daughters of both communities to abstain from hostile propaganda and hate speeches and to promote culture of peace,” read the statement.

The communities called on the top political leadership of the Country to strictly engage the two sides to dialogue.

“We call upon the elites and politicians to play a more robust role in promoting dialogue and peaceful coexistence among the two sisterly communities,” it said.

The also called on the national government through council of states to proactive on prevention of violence among the communities of Twic and Ngok Dinka.

Meanwhile Abyei representative during closing remark, chief Joseph Nyuat Deng urged on all the participants who attended the peace conference to be peace ambassadors in educating their communities about the ending violence.

“This is a big responsibility that we are tasked with and I hope it will not defeat us if we are united and follow it, the papers we signed today does not mean the end of everything but because of our love in our hearts with our people, we have to stop violence and give peace a chance,” said Deng.

While on behalf of Twic county of Warrap state, chief Atem Madhieu Deng Atem said the signing of the intercommunal consultative agreement mark a milestone in achieving peace in the two communities.

“We need to take this message to our people back home with cold heart so that those we left home appreciate us on the fruitful meaning we achieved,” said Atem.

On behalf of the communities, Deng congratulated the role played by the funding peace building partners in bring Abyei and Twic communities to a round peace table.

The conference attended by 42 participants from both sides was facilitated by the Civil society, Community Empowerment for Progress (CEPO) supported by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Concordis – Building Relationships for Sustainable Peace and the UNISFA and well as UNMISS and UNDP with funds from the UN Peacebuilding Fund.