
Women Leaders Take Action to Realize Peace and Development in Abyei

Women Leaders Take Action to Realize Peace and Development in Abyei

Members of the Women's Union discuss adult education during the three-day conference in Abyei. IOM/2018Juba – Over 300 women from across the Abyei Administrative Area have agreed on a common strategy to improve their well-being and that of their communities. Abyei—a disputed territory between Sudan and South Sudan—has been severely affected by conflict, political division and slow rehabilitation since 2008.

During a three-day workshop, supported by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the women had an opportunity to voice and consolidate their ideas for peace and progress. The first of its kind, the Abyei Women’s Union Conference brought together women’s groups from the village, county and union levels to action their plans to improve their communities.

The communique of the Abyei Women Union underlines their vision for developing communities that embody equality, peace and prosperity through a three-year plan, to be realized through improved access to basic services and empowering women in decision-making processes.

The women agreed that improved access to health, clean water, and education, as well as improving infrastructure and enhancing economic opportunities for women, are key to moving toward development, progress and peace in Abyei.

In the coming three years, IOM will continue to support the Women’s Union to develop and actualize their plan. Since 2016, IOM has involved the women’s groups in conflict transformation and peacebuilding training, as well as livelihood and income generation education. In March, IOM also completed construction of a women’s centre in Abyei, which provides a safe, clean and common space for women to convene and improve community cohesion.

For more information, please contact Ashley McLaughlin at IOM South Sudan, Tel: +211 922 405 716, Email: