IOM’s Transition and Recovery Unit develops programmes that address the root causes of instability and conflict in South Sudan through community based peace building and conflict mitigation strategies.

Current transition and recovery oriented programmes promote dialogue, boost local economies by facilitating trade and income-generation projects, construct/rehabilitate key infrastructure and support the dissemination of peace messages and non‐biased reporting through mass media.

IOM’s Transition and Recovery Unit has an operating budget of $22 million, with activities ongoing in Abyei Area* and Jonglei, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Western Bahr el Ghazal and Warrap states, as well as the Greater Pibor Administrative Area.

In Abyei, the USAID-financed Abyei Rehabilitation Initiative (ARI) aims to mitigate the risk of conflict and promote recovery. The programme began in January 2013 in response to unmet needs from armed conflict in connection with the 2011 referendum on South Sudanese independence and longstanding tensions between the Misseriya and Ngok Dinka tribes. The $6.5 million project is currently in its second phase and will continue through early 2016.

Through the European Union-funded Peace and Stability Quick Impact Fund (PSQIF), IOM supports peacebuilding projects implemented by community-based organizations and non-governmental organisations. The project assists communities prone to insecurity by providing targeted and immediate peacebuilding support. The PSQIF also improves communities’ overall capacity to apply for, develop and implement small grants by offering training and close partnership throughout the grant implementation period.